People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

January 13, 2011

perang emosi lagi .

The hardest part is when I pretend that i don't care anything about you . Okay , started from today onward I'm gonna stay away from others . Seriously aku tahu takda orang yang akan rindu aku ! so chill lahhh . Aku hidup mati ke sama bukan ? does anyone care about this ? I better off this way doe . yeah. Bila orang tinggalkan aku or ignore je aku then I will said ' Alaaa , biarkan jelaa . fara kan kuat ! ' . But inside , half of my heart is already broken and the most famous word ' I'm okay ' Hahhhh , okay la sangat kann ! Hello guys , semua orang akan cakap dia okay even dalam hati ne macam errrr -__-


Boyfriends come and go faragon , but friends are forever with you and they will never trying to hurt you :') Hello giving up doesn't always mean that you are weak , sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let everything go . Honestly now I can understand maybe part of loving is learning to let someone go :') Love begins with a smile, grows with a big laugh , and ends with a teardrop

p/s : Awak kita rendu dkt awak , kenapa awak tak tegur kita ? awak kata kita stll kawan kann ?
okay then , macam ne ke kawann ? :'O

Life is beauty so admire it :)

Rabu :

Pegi school macam biasaa , sumpah sangat mengantuk sebab semalam gedik sangat tido lambat kan , Terimalah habuan nee ;) Belajar macam biasaa , oh gawshh cekgu gila lahh sporting . Sumpah kalau aku still stay mgs tak datang rasa fun belajar macam ne . HOHO :) btw , i stll missing you Senior Methodist Girls School . waktu BM cekgu kaunselor masuk cerita pasal IPTA & IPTS semuaa . Wowww , addmath mmg penting ke ? :O haram jadah betol . haha . Bak kata omputih ' You're what you think ' soo , I think that i can score in my additional mathematic this year . * Ckp dgn penuh semangat

Khamis :

Pegi school like usual , but masa dkt jalan tuhh ada kereta hon dari belakang . Nampak dila dalam keretaa , dia pelawa tumpang . Ohmyy , see kawan kawan baru kita semua baik baik kann . Auwuuu , thanks :) Masuk kelas belajar macam biasaaa . Today was a bit interesting , my chemistry teacher ajar chemis auww . gila lahh , hyperactive wey aku keje dok gelak jee * method ajar macam ne barulah murid murid boleh paham . masuk otak tahuuu ! . then masa nak rehat jalan dpn dkt meja nas tuh macam mane entah calculator terjatuh dann Ehem ehemmm tiba tiba aku terlatah pulak ' Oh mak kau ! ' okengs sumaiyah dgn jasmin tolong gelak dan mus and the geng pung gelak . Wahh wahh , maluunyaaa aku :O HAHA * pecah tembelang , err tak sengaja terkeluar lahh

p/s : Esok hari jumaat kann ? Auwww , seriously dah lama aku tunggu . haha . Wani kau nak datang tido rumah aku kan kann ? serious rindu kau sangat wey , banyak storay nak ceritaaa :)