People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

September 18, 2010

yes teacher , you can kill me now (:

Err teacher , i hate my homework . yesh , i'm not finished all your work . holiday kita maen maen banyak sangat but still tak puas lagi hehhh . another few days for cuti raya bole ? Oh pleasee , i don't have any mood right now to do my homework . Nak tak kita list semua hw yang kita ade . okay ? Physics , chemistry , biology , additional math , and mathematics . * Huhh , baek ckp semua subject je kan sng . buku schl memang banyak lompong . alahai , macam tak kenal pulak ak kenn . Ohyeahh . teacher you can hold your gun now , haha . Boleh tak ajar kita how to pekak-kan telinga ? errr , because kita tahu bukak je schl ne . kita kena stand atas kerusi , kena dgr potpetpotpet and lari lari padang sekolah . haha . Well done faragon

p/s : Eleyy , laughing machine kita kata kita rajin taw taww . haha :D