People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

November 18, 2010

Find your own way .

Hello , please save that Queen (!)

let me find my own way here , without asking anyone to help me to faced all this kind of stupido problems . Sorry derr , kita bukan nak kacau awak punn okay ? or nak kacau relationship awak dgn ' queen ' awak tuh (!) Boleh tolong cakap dengan queen awak tuh , Tak payah nak jealous sangat la ken ? I have my own life lahh princess , kita tak kacau hak awak pun . We're just friend !

Haeshh , ni sebab kenapa aku tanak buat acc fb ni . Grrr , Stop being too jealous la hey pretty princess ! Okay , or maybe aku kena cari jalan sendiri . So jangan cakap faragon sombong lepas neh ! shut up with that untrue statement . Aku tegur orang aku jugak yang dapat masalah .

Guys , Bukan salah aku , ne semua salah manusia yang suka bersikap macam ' cilakooo ' (!)

P/s : sorry kalau korang gaduh sebab AKU !