People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

September 5, 2010

i miss the old me .

Now I've become increasingly arrogant right ? Yah , Ego kita dah banyak dah sekarang . takde sape boleh lawan dah . For your information kan awak , kita rindu fara yang lamaa . Kita nak fara yang lama ! because of my shit attitude now kita dah hilang macam macam dah . Woahh , everyday kita kena acting mcm kita happy dengan life kita sekarang . yee , bagus kan kan ? Haa , jangan jadi macam kita duhh . sumpah merana hidup . No matter what has happened in my past , There is no failure except in no longer trying babe's .