People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

January 1, 2011

new chapter life :)

Happy new year Farah Idayu , 2011 please don't be naughty yeahh ! wish that i could be more stronger than this . Thanks 2010 for giving me a lot of sweet sour salty memories :)

This might be my last chance , maybe I should take it ! I just hope that you're listening to everything I'm saying . I miss all our good times together . Yess i need to accept all this fact , sudah sudah lah fara usah dicalitkan kesedihan dekat tahun baru awak neee . Everyone keep saying the same thing , fara kuat kan ? Ahhaaa . yes i'm stronger but sometimes fara dia terpaksa akur yang dirinya tidak sekuat manaa . Please stop going back fara ! bukak mata tengok masa depan awak yang cerah tuh :O kalau awak selalu macam nee . masa depan awak tuh bakal jadi gelap segelap gelapnyaa . Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnyaaa :D so fara awak kena pasrah dgn suratan takdir kehidupan ini .

Ya Allah , kuatkan lah semangat hambamu ini :')