People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

October 12, 2010

Reformasi kehidupan .

Semalam onl fb then terjumpa fb kau duh sucker ! you know what ? i hate you forever in my lifee . Dari semalam sampai hari ni hati aku sakit bila terengat pasal kau ! but aku engat something je dalam kepala hotak aku ' ORANG BODOH HANYA UNTUK ORANG BODOH ! ' haha , kalau boleh ken , aku nak je cakap this word dekat kau duhh . hati aku memang sakit dgn attitude kau . why must you being so heartless ? answer my question lah stupidoo

Huhhh , please go away from my mind noww . and please don't come back ! Deleteee that guys . yesh faraaa , awak kena buat reformasi balik mind awak tuhh . Ayoyo , now kita dah ada hasiff lahh . i do love my boyfie walaupun skrg kita rasa dia dah makin jauh dari kitaaa dah :') everything okay ken honey ♥ ♥