such unlucky day for me , i'm going to school as usual today . wearing that cadet police t-shirt yang dahh tersangat lusuhhh . yesh , bukti everyday kita kena jemur tgh panas time kawad . Sabar jee pakai this ugly shirt , nak habes tahun dahh . Sampai schl , sempat duduk kejap jee . than ada budak tuh dtg suruh buat ground duty , haeshh . Aku lagi kenaa ! dah la buat benda ne sorang sorang , pity on meee !
Omgg , my school gila bersih duhh penat aku kutip sampah keliling sekolahh . Yesh , bila time 4 science bt ground duty mmg aku je asyik jadi mangsa . Hish hishh . After that , one of the ' imperfect prefect ' tegur aku . kenapa pakai tudung yang ada sulam sulam ne ? Yoooo , kau memang sllu nak attack aku je kann budak ? watafak ! acting like a great prefect je kau ne . Sumpahh aku tak suka kauu ! can you respect me as your senior nyahh ?
then masaa chemistry pun kita kena attack jwb soalan cekgu . yeah , aku dapat soalan paling susahh . Oh thanks sangat . but i learn something new today , terima kasih teacher :) selamat cekgu ne angin dia sangat baek hari ne , so dia takde lahh mengamuk mengamuk bila aku cakap aku tak reti buat ==" . During psk , aku just lentok kepala atas meja sbb gila penat hari ne . Kesiannnn kann dekat aku ne ?
Last period was addmath , so study macam biasaa . eh ehh , nowadays otak kita dah boleh terima dah this subject . Woahhh , balik lambat sbb cekgu nak bt extra class . mean that aku kena balik jalan kaki sorang sorang . 2.40 balik , jalann sorang then jumpa orang gila nee . i'm so lucky sbb dia tak follow aku . Thanks god ! kalau lah on that time orang gila tuh follow aku , mmg gayanya aku akan patah balik pegi school . haha :D
* hari ni banyak sangat dugaan , but aku hadapi dengan tenang ! bagus kann ? ye terima kasih (:
October 13, 2010
He reminds me .

Let’s do this together everlastingly . Don’t kill the frame of mind , and please don’t start going back , I’m yours and you’re mine , we belong to each other now . Are you still with me ? To save me from where i came fromm , it was dark and i'm so scared . Do correct me when i'm wrong , youu have been my true inspiration and i changed being much better just because of you . Honestly , the infection of the love diseases is more than i could imagine . I’m saving myself for you because I heart you so much
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