People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

September 25, 2010


Woots , i love today activity yaww . busy with my own world . haha . pfttt , saya tak pg schl lagi for schl ganti . Weng weng , semalam kita meremp-it dalam dream kita woahh . kinda syok yaww . in the afternoon , me , syue and wanie going to zatie's house . makan makan and makan . haha . then dieorg nak pg openhouse rumah e'in and yan . Err , sory babe . i have my own reason my i don't want to follow youu . ting ting , yeahh kinda bored waiting for the call . then dlm pukul 5.30 mcm tuh , farahin call . yeahh vrommm pegi pantai permai . finally dapat meet kau jugak ken . lepak lepak dkt rumah dia until pukul 9 . yawww lame duhh . but tak puas because that uncle was so sporting doe . balik angah amek then pegi sunway meet his friend . dah sampai rumah terus pegi rumah sara .Oh mannn , my tank was full with all this delicious food . hoho :D