October 28, 2010
Gawshh (':
October 23, 2010
bye back blog .
Jogging (:
October 22, 2010
i'm learning .

October 17, 2010
Dearest reader ,

October 15, 2010
imma be your cheerleader !
Imma be your life cheerleader so that i can cheer up all your days . boleh ken ? Your voice like a soundtrack of my summer , you'll never know how much i need you . yesh never right honey . Thank you for your laugh and your smile , It brings me happiness . Thank you being patient with me , i ne degil kan you ? hee (':
Okayy , today was my day ! yesh my perfect day , i want to flask back all my memories when first time i know him . I just know this guys from syeraa , one day syera cakap yg hasiff minat dkt kitaa . But kita tak penah pun kenal dgn hasiff ne , because tak penah pun tegur or comment dgn dia before this . Langsung ta pernahh (!)
After a few days , masa kita onl myspace tuh dapat comment dari diaa ! its just like ' wowww ' finally this guy tegur kita kan . kalau tunggu farah tegur mmg taklah ken , then sllu chating chating dgn dia dkt ym . Sejak hari tuh , everyday kita onl just sbb nak borak borak dgn diaa . hahaaa :D
Okay , then dia sllu text kita . yesh everyday dia teman kita sampai kita tertido . i always remember this ' youu . i rindu you ! ' engat tak ? you sllu ckp this word dkt i kan kan ? i suka dgr you ckp this word . Then dah lama lepas tuh , time rayaa kut 15 sep . you tell me everything . sesi luahan perasaan pun tejadi .
Jeng Jengg , haha . So i do accept him as my boyfie . Wootss , lama kan tunggu jwpn i ? hahaa . honey i always pray for our relationship , i love you non-stop dudee . I tunggu you for this coming date . It's like a fairytale but the story is still goin on just like our love as it grows so strong .
Syeraaa , thanks ! syera dah macam ajen cari jodoh untuk farah dah . haha . i love youu and i always pray for your happiness . jage your Mr Yaww elok elokk taww ? eh , after final exam kita jumpa lg taw
sincerely , faragon (:
October 14, 2010
Oh my babe
Eh readers , you know what ? she adore me so much , haha ! auww , eyla thanks for that lovely post . Well , act dah lame tak borak borak dgn this pretty girl . Yahh , dulu kita sllu comment comment dgn dia dkt myspace and now myspace fara pun dah terkubur . Thanks for being one of my fav follower , i know how much you caree about me (': Phfttt , I love you and i miss you more than you do darlaa
p/s : this girl buat kita terharu gila gila hari ney . read her post about mee , click here (:
October 13, 2010
unwanted day .
Omgg , my school gila bersih duhh penat aku kutip sampah keliling sekolahh . Yesh , bila time 4 science bt ground duty mmg aku je asyik jadi mangsa . Hish hishh . After that , one of the ' imperfect prefect ' tegur aku . kenapa pakai tudung yang ada sulam sulam ne ? Yoooo , kau memang sllu nak attack aku je kann budak ? watafak ! acting like a great prefect je kau ne . Sumpahh aku tak suka kauu ! can you respect me as your senior nyahh ?
then masaa chemistry pun kita kena attack jwb soalan cekgu . yeah , aku dapat soalan paling susahh . Oh thanks sangat . but i learn something new today , terima kasih teacher :) selamat cekgu ne angin dia sangat baek hari ne , so dia takde lahh mengamuk mengamuk bila aku cakap aku tak reti buat ==" . During psk , aku just lentok kepala atas meja sbb gila penat hari ne . Kesiannnn kann dekat aku ne ?
Last period was addmath , so study macam biasaa . eh ehh , nowadays otak kita dah boleh terima dah this subject . Woahhh , balik lambat sbb cekgu nak bt extra class . mean that aku kena balik jalan kaki sorang sorang . 2.40 balik , jalann sorang then jumpa orang gila nee . i'm so lucky sbb dia tak follow aku . Thanks god ! kalau lah on that time orang gila tuh follow aku , mmg gayanya aku akan patah balik pegi school . haha :D
* hari ni banyak sangat dugaan , but aku hadapi dengan tenang ! bagus kann ? ye terima kasih (:
He reminds me .

October 12, 2010
Reformasi kehidupan .

Semalam onl fb then terjumpa fb kau duh sucker ! you know what ? i hate you forever in my lifee . Dari semalam sampai hari ni hati aku sakit bila terengat pasal kau ! but aku engat something je dalam kepala hotak aku ' ORANG BODOH HANYA UNTUK ORANG BODOH ! ' haha , kalau boleh ken , aku nak je cakap this word dekat kau duhh . hati aku memang sakit dgn attitude kau . why must you being so heartless ? answer my question lah stupidoo
October 11, 2010
final examination .

Huhhh , kalau hidup semudah kiraan 1 2 dan 3 . sampai angka yang keberapa pun aku sanggup kira .
but life ain't that easy . Never wish life were easier , wish that you were be better .
wish me luck pls ( 11/10 - 29 /10/10 )
October 10, 2010
search me (:

Okay , let me tell you something that you will never expect me to do ! on this unique date , finally farah already have thier official facebook account . Aku tak tahu kenapa aku buat benda alah ne , maybe sbb banyak sangat orang menyeru ==" . kita dah kehabesan alasan nak bagi bila ramai sangat tanya soalan seperti ini :
- bila nak buat facebook ?
- kenapa takde facebook ?
And act , banyak lagi . Yahh , kita kuno kan kann ? hell no . kita ada seribu satu alasan kenapa kita tak nak buat fb ne dulu and now kita buat pun sbb kita ada satu agenda yang harus kita lakukan , yesh harus duhh ! agenda tuh hanya kita je yang tahu . haha , semua benda kena bagi tahu dekat korang ke ? tak kan kannn ?
wish that this facebook acc tak kan bg kita problemm . i really wish for that .
Do search me ' Faragon Syke ' :D
October 9, 2010
Footsore , haha .
October 8, 2010
biology-day .
Friday - today satu hari our class hanya belajar biology , yeah start around 8 then until 12 lebih macam tuh . Wowww , i'm kinda sleepy belajar subject neh ohh . Bored nyahh , but i have to appreciate that teacher sbb even kaki dia tengah sakit berbalut berplastic bagai dia stll datang schl just sbb nak ajar our class . Thanks Pn Nava :') then waktu rehat , all 4 science pg rehat same same duduk satu meja wahh , first time aku tgk 4sc se-akrab ini . Err , i miss my schl canteen duhh . lame dah aku tak jejak kantin skolah . sllu kalau waktu rehat just duduk dpn class then siapkan semua homework . After schl end , Ade class tmbhn for additional mathematics pula ==" teacher habeskan satu chapter hari ne juga . hehh , slmt my otak stll boleh terima itu ilmu ! otak korang boleh tak terima banyak banyak data macam kita dalam masa satu hari ? HAHA , only faragon can do it nyahh . Cekgu kasi balik awal , then jumpa wani dengan wan stll belum balik balik lagi . Woahh , So balik dgn dieorg redah lelaki lelaki yang baru lepas dari sembahyang jumaat . * batal air smbhyg korang kan kann ? (;
p/s : wani thank sbb tunggu aku hehh , kau baik gila kann . i'm lucky to have you as my friend :')
October 6, 2010
Burden for me .

October 5, 2010
4 free period .
October 4, 2010
jin noti :)
October 2, 2010
you make me smile :)
i woke up early in the morning , kita tak boleh tido semalam . thats why kita bangun awal sangat hari ne . Getting nervous waiting for the time . Aiyarkk , bangun awal kemas baju baju yang dah tak nak pakai . then setengah dah letak dalam kotak . Auww , after this i gonna say goodbye bangsar :') ( pindah rumah )
buat kerja punya pasal then tgk time dah pukul 1 , haha . Woahh , i'm late ! cepat cepat siap and terus pegi klcc , err time dekat lrt nampak faz . ohh mann , ak tunduk je harap dia tak nampak . Sampai klcc tunggu depan kedai zara . Nak tahu tak ? masa kita tunggu laughing machine kita ken , kita nmpk aci ne tumbang mase naek escalator . Kesian wowww dekad aci tuhh . semua org tgk je including me . * jahat gila
Dear laughing machine , i'm quite different kan ? haha . I lost my words , blank je on that time . heyyo , cannot go tgk gelagat dieorng hehh , haha . Eh ehh , finally kita dapat meet syera woahhh . but tak banyak sangat ckp mcm sllu dkt ym . haha , sorry because fara dia jdi shy shy cat :D nice to meet you syera .
thanks guys , wish that i can meet you guys again . hasiff thanks for showing me your love , eh next time stop maen cocok cocok pinggang i yee . geli tahuu ? ily
October 1, 2010
stop doing this (!)