People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

July 29, 2010

Jay Sean , Why cry .

Yeahh , i really lovee lovee lovee this song mann !

July 28, 2010

HER (:

You're my truly best friend , yess of course my very best friend .
Everyday you make me happy , you make me smile
I begging please don't take my best friend away from me

She knew everthing i felt , she knew my every weakness
and the problems that i have been deal
Oh mann , she understood my wonders and listened to all my dreams

You hear me out when i want to talk ,
youu help me out when i get mad , you are the bestest friend that I've ever had .
Babee , thanks for all kind thing you done for me :')

July 27, 2010

SPA (:

Todayy our class went to SPA ( Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam ) . Follow our captain . haha . banyak anak ayamm kau faz , then jalan kaki sampai sanaa . well , mentang mentang lahh berdekatan je dgn school . Sampai sanaa masuk dgr speech .

Ada six or five budak laki dari sekolah mana ntah dekat situ . hehh , tak banyakk . kenapa tak adaa 32 jeh . boleh amek pilih sorang satu , bhahaha . oh sorry , aku cop apek tuh dulu wey . haha . Nonsense kau faragonn .

Cekgu kata balik pukul 1 , but pukul 12.30 dah habes dahh . Shit mann , tanak masuk class addmath . Grr , satu kelas sepakat . then terpaksa balik sekolah jugaa . haesshh , satu kelas semua jalan macam siput babii . haha . cekgu suruh jalann cepat then aku cakap ' Naik bukit cekgu kena guna gear rendahh ' semua sengihh je . act , cekgu dah tahu sangat yang satu 4 science nak elak dari masuk kelas addmath

Hari ni kita tak malu gila kann ? haha , mintak abg tuh makanan lebih .
thank youu brotherrr (:

July 24, 2010

Brokenpromises .

Player , i wish that i can kill youu sucker ! i gonna be your hater forever okayy ?

July 22, 2010

homework 143 okay (:

Puan Nava , my beloved biology teacher . See teacher . todayy - todayy saya menyengkanng mata hanya untuk menyiapkan homework yang teacher bagi . But teacher , there's one or two maybe three or four question yang saya tak buat !

Saya kena tunggu abang kesayangan saya pulang dari perak . Alongg balik la cepat . macam macam akak nak tanya neh . Nakk suruh ajar Electrochemistry , nak suruh ajar Additional mathematic , ajar Biologyy neh pasal enzyme enzyme then mitosis and mieosis . Teacher terlampau express , saya kena tggl dgn keretapi teacher tuh :')

Sebelum tido , texting syeraa . haha . because hasif tell me that you really miss me . auww , terharu gila dengar . I miss you more darla . yes , rendu nak merepek meraban sama sama . Yahh , then answering question dkt formspringg . wahhh . Well wani soryy jawab soalan kau ala bodoh bodoh gitu , sbb soalan kauu hot sangat !

Satu persoalan yang menjadi tanda tanyaa . Fahmi , What do you mean by ' Nak awak bole wahai mrs F ? ' Auww , i don't really understand . * Confusee confusee .
If youu read this , please answer me okayy ?

July 21, 2010

new baby born (:

get another 5 baby boy/girl . haha . aku tak tahu jantina diaa . Well , dulu ibu kata hamster korang mandul agaknya . haha :D . See mummy . now dah banyak dahh . boleh ternakk :) ( boleh buat zakat harta , binatang ternakan . haha ) yahh . i can't wait until that new baby tumbuh bulu bulu diaa then telinga tak kembang lagy . hahh , bapak comellls time tuhh . seriously i can't wait ! cepat la besar wahai anak anak ;D

July 20, 2010



please lahh , kenapa semua barang barang aku kau nak musnahkan wey ? tak cukup keh apa yang kau dahh ada . Nahh , melampau lampau jealous kau dah sekarang . Yahh , now you being soo rude man ! Please lahh , respect me as your sister wey and one more thing i'm not your ' balachi ' okay ? Grr , now kau rosak-kann phone aku . then ape lagi yang kau nak rosak-kann ? Listen yaw , aku tak penah pun jealous dgn kau tahu , aku tak heran pun kau dapat semua lebih dari aku . Stop lahh buat aku sakit hati budakk ! cukup cukup lahh jadi trouble maker dalam rumah neh . tak akan semua nak dengar cakap kau sorang je kut ? Please adek , I do respect you as my brother ! soo please . changes your attitude okay ? aku bukan benci kau adx aku cume sakit hati dgn sikap kau ! ;((


July 18, 2010


I'm crying out to release this pain . looks like the freak girl cries . yah , it make me look like an idiot . I have let go , the world's on code red . Now i'm changed , they just want to see me downn ! like what they do with others . Ouh please . i'm not losser . I repeat it again , i'm not a looser guys . Please back off fake friends . Grrr



Today i'm being such a good daughter for my father . haha :D duduk rumah buat homework . cewah . then suddenly , teringat pulak kat oneni . texting dia ajak teman pegi PKL . gahh , sumpah aku bored buat homework sorang soranngg . kalau buat sorang sorang mesti tak siap punya hw aku . haha :D

texting minah ne pukul 11 but pukul 1 baru bagi respond . haha . hantu kau sayangg (: but soryy kalau menyusahkan kau teman aku pegi buat hw dkt pkl neh . aku cuma nak ada teman :') kalau tak tahu buat boleh tanya kauu ken .

Act , nak story pasal mat saleh dan minah saleh atas ne . haha :D * stupidnya ayat kau sayang . Both of youu , buat aku sungguh teruja . auww . Cool wey (!) that guy make me keep focus on him . haha . you know what . nampak tak bear tuh . boleh pulak mat saleh neh bawak kesana kesini buat macam anak dia pulakk . bhaha :D so funny kau mat saleh ! sorry curi amek picture kau ne . famous kau kat malaysia niy

July 17, 2010


Now all she can feel is fear . She gave all that she could give . She is living all alone with nothing she can call her own . Wondering if her life will again be complete . This woman now is moving along , building her courage and and becoming as strong as her can . Time will heal her broken pride . Toward the sunrise her heart will glide . the only thing that keeps me alive is knowing the next coming day , it might all changes for the best and that ' nobody ' becomes ' somebody '



Yahh , i wake up early in the morning todayy . auww . last night tido pukul 4 online online and onlinee . hahh . suka buat keje gila macam niy kann . Then bangun haruslah pegi toilet dulu then tatap tv . haeshh , rendu kau tv . watching my fav cartoon . haha Spongebob Squarepants . Auww

Then , Around 12 pm baru mandi manda semua . bukak buku buat buat homework siket . Zatiey text-ing ajak pegi watch Eclipse . Nahh , i'm soo sorry friend . Sumpah week ney aku kering se-kering keringg nyaa . So , tak dapat teman kau :(

After lunch , Siap siap macam mak datin . haha :'D then turun , mak dgn along tunggu dalam kereta . wahh , like a princess haa . ade pula orang tukang tunggu . Naek kereta along yang seperti naek disko bergerakk- gerakk weh . Sampai tempat apa jadah ntah nama dia . plazaa erkss whatever lah * lost memory

Woot woot , shopping derr ;D haha . pegi kedai jual make-up tuh . mak sebok duk tanya nak apa ? haaa . bak datang . aku amek semuaa . haha lipgloss , blusher , lipstick pink colour wey . auww , sejak bila aku jadi minah pinky ne . eeeuwww

Honestly today damnn bb-boreedd , because i miss my scandelicious . Selalu time cam gnie kita keluar spend time together kan kann . gossip gosssipp . but not for todayy kan babe . Aku rendu kauu minahh . haha :D

July 16, 2010

haha :D

Am i craving just for attention and praise ?
I feel the tears moisten my eyes . Now i'm tired with this kind of situation .
Stop tell-ingg me the truth because it hurt me yeah it hurt me derr :')

Yes , awakk , i love youu
since you're here , there's no more fake smile in my face .
I admit that i started to fall in love with you . But , i'm sick with my old love .

July 14, 2010


S to the Y to the E to the R to the A (:

Well , thanks for accompany me tonight syera . Now , syera tak payah jadi my super spy lagi kan kann . Thanks for always accompany me tahuu . She's always keep make me smile . i love you .Texting texting until i getting sleepy and forget to reply back her text . sorry . nanty boleh teman fara mlm mlm lg ken ? :')



School-ingg , P & P as usual wey (:

Physics lesson , double period . Like usual belajar physics lahh wey . That teacher like to ' bla bla blaa blaa and so onn ' haha . Cekgu kenapa setiap masa bila ada cekgu yang tak datang . cekgu sebuk mengedik nak relief ? tak paham aku . Sudennly , teacher nak check exercise book . OMG , please save me ! nahh , jangtung aku dah buat lagu danggduut-dutt dahh . haha * tawakal please .

Then , sampai turn fareeza and me . Auww , teacher check buku . Teacher i love you , haha (: salin soalan jawapan takda , keje tak siap ada page yang blank pum teacher tanda je kann . Then teacher said ' Good trying ' nahh , aku dengan fareeza dua dua blurr . i'm not trying to do anything . haha :D

1.10 , school end . Our class keluar lambat siket because last sekali time addmath . then meet my drug (: * wanie . kitaorang duduk sama sama dkt stair tuh tengok our team , kadet polis & krs and bomba lawan bola tampar . Tak tengok pun act aku busy duk buat word search . haha (: Addict buat benda alahh niy .

* teacher , lepas neh comfirm saya tak takut dah nak hantar bukuuu . thanks god !

July 13, 2010


Adek adekk , auww . haha . thanks for that posting yang mention pasal kaka . But , peeps always says that kaka sombong ! * act aku tak tahu apa tuh sombong . haha :') Adek araii , kaka tak comel yaw . tak cantik . ouhyeahh . i have a very shit face and kaka not as pretty as what you imagine adek sayang .

Monster araii Formspring and Blogger (:

* But kaka said sorry okayy . kaka baru baca pasal entry blog adek hari ne . haha :D thanks gila gilaa okay good boy .

July 12, 2010


* CREDIT TO ; capit (:

Around 12 am . something like that time lahh , badan aku vibrate vibrate tetiba . ohmygosh , there's someone call me . i don't really know , makhluk mana yang call aku pepagi pepagi macam ney . Suara memang tak dapat detect sapa dowhh . Grrr ( aku marah gila gila ni . haha :D )

Dalam keadaan separuh sedar dah tidak , aku pun layan jela . entah sapa sapa ntahh . When i started to get sleepy back . aku pum cakap jela yang aku nak tidur balik . Aku dah Shocked gila bila aku dengar word ne ' Ada tak orang kata yang dia nak kenakan kan aku ? ' Goshh , aku tahu sapa yang call aku neh !

Damnn-lah kauu capit . sumpah aku tak dapat detect suara kau . hahh , gila gila gilaa . kenapa lahh kau kenakan aku doe . good job wey , boleh ganti edward cullen derr . No wonder lah aku pelik dari awal lagi . Kau kata kau ne myrul . gahh , nama mamat neh juga kau nak petikk kann gangster ! kau memang hantu .

For your information gangster , Myrul tak guna ayat ' I and You ' dengan aku wey . ayat dia gramatis sungguh :) Aku tahu kau rendu nak borak dengan aku kan wey . tapi kau memang bijak guna cara macam ni . Dalam aku berhati hati , takut kau nak kenakan aku . Gahh , aku kalah derr . Hate it . haha :D * bangang kau farah

Well , hari ni hari kauu . laen kali aku pulak . haha :D Terima kasih Gangster , auww . aku ingat benda ney forever and ever sebab this thing make me feel like an idiot . haha , bengang gilaa , sakit-hati , sakit-jiwa , geli-hati semua complete wey derr LOL , aku tak marah pun act . haha :D

* I do called him ' Gangster ' sebab kau memang kaki buli orangg kan capit . haha (:

July 11, 2010


Nurshazwani Shazali (:

Babe , thanks for accompany me today tahu . But today out-ing is quite boring because tiba - tiba mood aku hilang sayang , yeah . Baju seluar aku semua kotor dan selenge gila dahh . memang hilang terus semua mood aku nak jalan . Sorry sangat sangat . but semua story yang aku janji aku dah cerita kan kann ? ;D

July 10, 2010


Grr , i'm fucking damn bored tonight wey .
can you please give me the meaning of happiness please ?

waiting for the next day to come , hope will be better :) i really wish for that .
get sleep , have a nice dream follower .

July 9, 2010


Ouhyeah . my life kinda b-bbored today :'D

Not only for today . hari hari yang sebelumnya pum serupa sahaja . Bored tuh kawan baek aku , tiap tiap hari dia datang teman aku . Dia selalu berada dengan aku setiap masa . tak payah seru pun dia datangg untuk teman aku . kauu ada keh kawan macam aku ne ? takda kan kann ? Stop being too jealous der . HAHA

July 8, 2010


Haeshh . Kita dah semakin dewasa , kena bijak pilih jalan yang betul . Kita bukanya anak anak kecil yang memerlukan orang lain untuk selesaikan semua masalah . Tak ada orang yang hidup tak mempunyai masalah . Betul cakap kau , hidup kena berani terima kenyataan . Hidup tak boleh takut dengan bayang bayang sendiri . Hidup kena selalu kedepan dan bukan-nya patah balik ke belakang (:

Yes , hidup kena belajar hargai orang lain walau seburuk mana pun dia , walau sehina mana pun dia . kita semua sama . kita semua hamba ! kita kena belajar sayangi orang lain kalau kita nak diri kita disayangi . kita kena belajar hormati perasaan orang lain kalau kita nak orang hormati perasaan kita .

Everyone walking aroung me , but i can't move . Everyone says , ' Be brave . you can do it ! You will make it out of this . But sometimes , i wonder if i will . I try to combalt it all , but if i try attempt to do anything . it all will starts over again !

July 7, 2010


Well , today bangun awal . mandi manda then baru kemas bag . Sebok dok kalut cari buku teks , grr . Open day pun kena belajar keh . haeshh . then turun lepak kejap baru naek bas . Today first time aku baca short story dalam buku literature tuh ' special fruitcake ' damn best kan story dia . kalau lahh aku macam Anna tuh kan best :D ha-haa . Sweet gila cerita diaa . auw auww

Lepas pukul 10 lebih macam tuh , nampak bayang ayahh . Auww , engatkan ayah tak nak datang tadi :( thankss . Ayah jumpa cekgu then cekgu pun mula lahh memalsukan fakta . haha :D dia tidak tahu siapa aku kenn , maen taram je kan cekgu nee . terima kasih cikgu selamatkan hidup saya :)

Tahu tak apa cekgu cakap dekat ayah , dia cakap :
' Idayu neh takda masalah pun dekat sekolah . dia diam je . tak banyak cakap tak banyak tanya . dia boleh tergolong dalam budak budak baek je . Tengok dia okay , keje skola semua kemas je . Tapi kena bising sikit la , tp bising pasal benda neh je (: rajin rajin belajar lagi ehh . kena naek kan lagi taww ! '

Kalau lah orang takda dalam lab tadi , sumpah aku rasa macam nak guling guling je tahan gelak , hahaa . cekgu kata aku baek ? auww . yang ayah pun sokong jela kenn . bhahaaa . boleh pula kata ' Dia kat rumah pun diam je , suka duduk sorang sorang . saya tengok rajin jugak belajar . buat keje sekolah sampai buku atas muka . tertido pen kat tangan . ' Woahh , I'm a great actor wey :D

Ahhaa , result macam gampang je =.= haha . but , 1 je yang failed . Additional Mathematic . haha :D thanks god physics aku dah naek dahh , dahh lulus lulus luluss :DD Addmath kena rajen bt hw taw sayang (: FAILURE ISN'T FINAL .

July 6, 2010


Auww , i love it (:

I want a boy who think i'm b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l enough and A boy who doesn't need any others pretty faces . A boy who will sing to mee at a random moment(s) . Someone who lets me sleep on his chest . I want a guys who will write a song about me because he doesn't know any other ways to tell me how he feels . I want a guys who will tell all his friends about me and smile when he done it . Someone who would never be afraid to say i love you in front of his friends . A boy who could make me laugh like no one can . But mostly , A boy who always be there for me .

Can all my dream come true ? walawey . susahh sangat derr

July 5, 2010


Amirul Firdaus Bin Nik Afundi .

Finally , baru mimpi nak text lah agaknya kann . hahh . yeah . saya rendu awakk , tapi saya tak akan pernah cuba bagi tahu awak :')

This is one of his text that make me feel touched ,
" Dah takde org nak bg semangt . Cmne tak give up . Yelaa , Dulu fara bagy spirit . tapi lepas break myrul down habes2san . Humm "

Thanks for accompany me tonight :) jangan give lagi taww . even fara is not yours anymore . i always here for youu amirul . kita kawan keen ;)

July 3, 2010


Auww , we having such a long journey today wey . HAHA

Masjid jamek then Times Square then KL Sentral then Midvalley Megamall (:

Masjid Jamek , jalan jalan . we decided to buying something for athirah birtday present . Aku mati akal nak bagi hadiah apa dekat minah tuh :) haha . bored jalan sana , then we plan to spend our money dekat ts saje . Auww , budak masyuk tuh macam macam barang dia borong , I'm just buying a new handbag because i'm bored with my old one . haha . main pakai buang thats mee :D

Lepaking after a few hours dekat times square , we plan to have our lunch at Mc Donald , Kl Sentral . macam dekat ts takda mcd pulak kann . woww , mcd ts mane penah lekang dengan orang aku tengok . Rimas tengok orang ramai ramai ne =.= But , sampai kl sentral we cancel all our planning . haishh

Kitaorang pergi cari train , nak turun midvalley . huhh , tunngu train umpama menunggu si pondan berjalan . haha :) punyala lebamm . Naik lrt must faster than you la train . tahu lahh kau ne kenderaan yang bersejarah kan kann ? :D

Then sampai Midvalley , pegi food court . makan makan (: auww , best kan sharing ais kacang sama sama , sharing chicken chop sama sama . but the best damn thing yang kita buat lagi best kan wani . haha . tangkap gambar budak laki yang makan depan meja kita tuhh . haha :D masuk air habis hari ney

At 6.30 or something on that time jugak laa , tunggu shuttle free tuh then balek rumah , rehat rehat , texting him , mandi , and continue texting him again . haha . Wani , today u make me forget all my sadness :')

July 2, 2010


' Do listen to this song , it describe how i feel when he break my heart '

this song , make my tears fall down .

July 1, 2010


i wish that i can be a better person now , i wish that i can be as strong as youu :)
well , i will trying to control my emotion all the times . i keep promise that , but sometimes i failed yaw . because it hard for me to do that .

* Auww , Raja gelak . i love you when you keep make me laugh all the time :) now , i'm addicted with your ' ha-ha '