People said I've changed so much , Well here's the truth . I grew up and I stop letting people push me around all the time . I learned that my life can't always be happy :')

June 29, 2010


I think that , i have to help myself , lets started our new life alone :]

The fake smile in every face , I have been to ignorant , carrying hopes and not breaking trust . Clearly u like a prick , condensed since you're born . Let it been forgetten when no one care anyways . Let me hear you say , that you don't care anymore . yeahh you don't care ! Leave this and please don't come back , because i hate the way that you treat me . Honestly , with you i won't feel fine forever :)


During pendidikan islam lesson , Ustazah amek topic ney wey ' taubat ' .
yeahh , ' taubat ' not ' tahu buat ' derr .
Well , ustazah kata . kalau kita buat salah dengan orang tuh . kita kena mintak maaf ! but not just simply say sorry lepas tuh buat lagi .


Haa , wahai lelaki yang telah menyakitkan hidup aku . i just wanna say i'm sorry ! aku tak nak hidup dengan mempunyai kesalahan pada orang lain . aku takut nanti kalau aku tak sempat nak mintak maaf dekat kau je . maaf sebab selama ney aku dah bazirkan masa engkau untuk layan aku . Sorry player :)

Kau nak tahu tak ? aku cuma nak cakap dekat entry ni yang aku dah maafkan engkau . even aku tahu kau tak rasa pun yang kau dah buat salah dekat manusia lain . Kalau kau tahu kau salah pun , kau nak pegi mintak maaf ke ? tak kann . sebab kau tuh EGO weyh . takut untuk menyatakan kebenaran . itulah kau !

AKU MAAFKAN ENGKAU sebab kau dah berjaya sakitkan hati aku . sebab kau dah berjaya tipu aku dengan drama kau yang ala alaa tak jadi tuh . Aku maafkan kau supaya hidup kau selamat di dunia dan di akhirat kelak . sebab salah kau dekat aku . aku dah maafkan . kini cuma tinggal dosa engkau dengan manusia lain .

DEKAT PEREMPUAN tuh . saya pun dah maafkan awak tahu . awak cuba musnahkan hidup saya . cuma hasrat awak tidak tercapai ! tahniah , awak berjaya goda player tuh . haha :D Take good care of him .

will that player break your heart like what he did to me ? idk anymore .

terima kasih manusia :D eh tp kau manusia ke ? mcm tak je . haha

June 28, 2010


i would like to say proudly GOODBYE PLAYER . haha . i don't really need you act :) OMAR aku benci engkau wey . For your information , i can started my new life without you la sucker . I won't cry just because of you . FARAH IDAYU kuat wey :D i still have my besties that can always make me laugh . I still have all my follower here who can listen to all my problem . I still have a lot of cyber friends that can accompany me lah player . haha :DD its over now . seriously i'm happy without youu , because my heart is not belong to that drama king anymore :D


new life begin now :D i'm a single ladies . haha (: , stop asking me about that guys anymore . i won't give you any respond for it , thanks

June 25, 2010

myspace-ing (;

miss you like a hell yaw myspace :D haha
lama tak online lama lama macam hari ne kan . ada sapa sapa rendu faragon tak ?
cewahh . saya rendu dekat awak juga tahuu :')

BARD ; awak , saya rendu akan awak :(
FARA ; me too bahh .
BARD ; kenapa awak lame tak online ?
FARA ; malas and i do have a lot of prob :( there's nobody can understand me here .
BARD ; but i understand u :(
FARA ; it's okay lah . just forget it .
BARD ; nanti awak jaga diri awak taww :)
FARA ; malas nak jage diri . tade orang care pumm ;D
BARD ; awakk :(
FARA ; alaa , kenapa ?
BARD ; awak , saya sayangkan awak . jagelah diri awak okea :'(

Bard , act you don't really understand my situation now . what are you trying to say ?

June 16, 2010

birthday girl :)

Happy birthday to youu , happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you Amira Shafiqah *wah , hafal doe name you . haha :D klentong pandai aku neh . padahal tgk kat myspace dia . Btw , fara nak wish kat miera neh sayang oi . May god bless you and hope happy always dengan buah hati pengarang jantung itu okay ? hee :') Semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki , kita dah same tua yaw . haha . sorry oh fara tak taw nak wish macam mane dahh . number miera fara takdaa . then nak wish kat myspace miera tak online pum . yelahh , dia busy holiday yaw . haha :] tak lama lg boleh jadi orang sabah bahh . haha . lastly ,
happy sweet 16th birthday sayang :]

June 11, 2010

the sayang(s)

picture come first (!)
times square saya rendu awak yaw .

meet syue p/s , please ignore my lovely shit face yaww (:

i'm the winner wey . haha . selalu aku kalah ken ken ? (:

baju belang belang , i do really love you birthday girl (:
happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you Shazwani Shazali (:
HA-HA , you getting older sayang .
there's no word can describe who you are ! because you too kind for me , if i were given the opportunity to choose only one friend to accompany me in this world . i will choose you to be there accompany me all the time :') i'm really sorry for all my silly mistake , i just want to see your smile and hear your laugh sayang . you know what ? only you will trying to understand me when i started to change kan ? wani wani , ayu yang dulu wani kenal dah berubah ken kenn ?
awak awak boleh janji tak ? kalau kita dah takda nanti awak jage diri baek baek taww :') jangan lupa kat kita taw awak . awak dah janji kan yang awak nak kawan dgn kita sampai bila bila bila pumm :')
- sorry , janji nak tules berjela jela kann ? tapi ney pendek je . sebab sebab air mata saya gugur wahai kawan :')

June 6, 2010

story begin ,

first text-ing text-ing dulu :
me , ' wanie . jum kuar . haha . boring bah ' . wanie , ' ble kul bpe ? G mne ? ' . me , ' lepak taman jaya jela ' . wanie , ' Ok gak tpy kul 5 leh ark ? ' . me , ' 5 ? hentam jela ' . wanie , ' ok nanty aq msj ko ' . me , ' okay :)

then pukul 4.30 mandy siap siap tunggu wanie then go :D , something wrong with this two little girl tahu . haha , nak korek rahsia aku lah tuhh . nvm , kita kan kawann , sharing is caring kan :) so otw tuh borak borak

dah sampai situ , masuk amcorp mall dulu . jumpe makk :) cakap cakap " mak , kalau ayah tanya . cakap akak kat sini taw jalan jalan je . tady nak keluar dah bg tahu along dahh " jalan dlm mall dulu baru pegi taman

gambar satu & dua : please ignore my fucking ugly face yaww :)

gambar tiga : i adore this , kita same kan abie ada dimple :)

dah dekat nak pukul 7 , masuk dalam mall balik . jalan jalan lagi dpn kedai tuhh , usha abg handsome tuh :D awww . haha * lame kita tak buat keje bodo neh kann sayang ? haha ;)

dah penat usha orang . jalan naik atas sekali lepak MCD pulaa , nak order pun nak kena gaduh gaduh dulu . haha . tahula orang yang jage counter tuh laki :) then abie juga kena beli kan . pity on her tahuu , selalu dia je kenaa . ai maklum . kak ayu dgn wani kan malu malu :D bhaha

duduk , borak borak , makan kentang share same same . layan lagu JB * justin bieber . abie kate ' kak ayu perasan tak laki yg kat dapur tuh , comel kan ? ' haa ' boleh la , haha . tapi omar lagi comel kot . haha :D over jea aku nehh ' pastu prob nak pegi refill air . semua tanak pegi , minum nak kan . haiyaa , then pegi sane konon nak tmbh air . tgk laki tuh pandang terus malu dah . haha . cakap ' nakk refill air neh ' . ' abie , kalau kena baya neh ada tak duet ' haa , ' takde bia kak ayu pegi amek kejap . tunggu sini taww ' sampai kat meja malas nak pegi balek counter sane . tinggal je abie sorang sorang kat situ . haha :) soryy bahh .

sorry for this uglyness picture . we spend our day doing to many stupid thing . i just want to say that , i really needed both of you in my life . we laughing together , we sharing problem together , you have a very special place in my heart . agak agaknya dah 16 tahun kita hidup dah 16 tahun juga kita kawan kann :) sebab kita kan kenal sejak dari kecik lagi :) I LOVE YOU NON - STOP !

June 1, 2010


happy birthday to me , happy birthday to me . haha :D * syok sendiri yaw


EILA : happy birthday semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki .wish awal takut tak sempat

BARD : Happy Birthday awak :)

FAIZ : faraaa , happy birthday


MYRUL : fara happy birthday ea . hope happy and smile always in your life

ATEN : happy bufdae my dear ! farah idayu ! lov ya ! lovely sixteen ! hope u did forget me . i wish u , happy always and sucess in ur subject ! dun 4get to pray !=D from ur friend .

SHAZGAGA : tiktoktiktok ! yeah . happy sweet 16 honey . may god bless you ! wish your day will as bright as sunshine ! life is wonderful with laughing because i believe that laughing is the best calory burner and i belive the happiest girl is the pretties girl ! so , make ur self as the happiest girl in this world .

ADIB : bapak awal . tak aci macam 2 . ish2 . tapela . hepy bufday 2 farah idayu . hope u panjang umur and murah rezeki . and 1 lg . namo sombonx2 . ahha

CAPIT : happy birthday farah !

FARA IZZAN : hepi bufday ayu . smoge panjang umur murah rzki . berjaya dalam hidup dan happy happy selalu

OMAR : happy birthday

MAMAT : sory lmbt ucap . selamat hari jadi yang ke 16 . smoge panjang umur and murah rezeki . bahagie la dengan orang yang tersayang . jangan hampakan orang lain keyh .

NASH RUDY : farah ! epi bufday . hope aku jadi org fes . huu . smoge pnjg umur murah rzki . zass !

SYS LYCHA : happy birthday sayang .

WANIE : Ayu hahaha . hapy birthday mak cik sayang . smoge ko sllu dimurahkan rezeki . keep it up makcik . tua suda . haha . sayang ko . happy birthday .

FAZLINA & TAPLE & TAMPIN : Ayu , happy birthday ayu (:

4 SCIENCE CLASS : Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you ayu redahh :) AYU REDAH SELAMAT HARI JADI

VIDYIA & SHARANYAH : ehh ayu , birthday ayu hari neh senyap je kann . bukan nak bg tahu . haha . btw happy birthday . duduk dekat pum boleh tak tahu kan kan .

FARHANA & REVATHI & TULAS : heyy , happy birthday (:

MIERA : farahh , hepyy bufdayy dear :D

MIMY : sayang (: happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday to farah idayu . happy birthday to you ! sayang . moga panjang umo , murah rezeki , straight A+ SPM 2011 . moge dapat anak cucu . haha

SYERA : hepy bday yaww :D

KAKA ANYEZ : happy 16th birthday adek bulan :) may god bless you sayang

ARIF : ohh , happy b'day . semoga panjang umor :)

ERUL : Epy bestday you :) i hope you eppy slalu yew dear

SHAFIQ : hello farrawwrr happy buvday you ! haha , youu makin tua ohh :(